
Online social networks can often be represented as heterogeneous information networks containing abundant information about: who, where, when and what. Nowadays, people are usually involved in multiple social networks simultaneously. The multiple accounts of the same user in different networks are mostly isolated from each other without any connection between them. Discovering the correspondence of these accounts across multiple social networks is a crucial prerequisite for many interesting inter-network applications, such as link recommendation and community analysis using information from multiple networks. In this paper, we study the problem of anchor link prediction across multiple heterogeneous social networks, i.e., discovering the correspondence among different accounts of the same user. Unlike most prior work on link prediction and network alignment, we assume that the anchor links are one-to-one relationships (i.e., no two edges share a common endpoint) between the accounts in two social networks, and a small number of anchor links are known beforehand. We propose to extract heterogeneous features from multiple heterogeneous networks for anchor link prediction, including user's social, spatial, temporal and text information. Then we formulate the inference problem for anchor links as a stable matching problem between the two sets of user accounts in two different networks. An effective solution, MNA (Multi-Network Anchoring), is derived to infer anchor links w.r.t. the one-to-one constraint. Extensive experiments on two real-world heterogeneous social networks show that our MNA model consistently outperform other commonly-used baselines on anchor link prediction.

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