
The aim of economic e-book development based digital comics is as a medium to improve learning outcomes. The development stage employed Borg and Gall’s model consisting of 10 stages and this development is limited to the eighth stage: large-scale tryout. The e-book tryout stage was conducted through expert validation and tryout with students. The instruments used in this research were questionnaire and test. The method used was pretest posttest control group design. Considering the result of t-test, it could be found that the posttest value of experiment class was better (84.29), while that of control class was only 79.80. Furthermore, in the effectiveness test on digital comic-based economy e-book using t-test withy IBM SPSS 20 software help, it could be seen that the significance value was 0.000 and this value was less than 0.05, meaning that H1 was supported. This value was confirmed with tstatistic of 3.804 > ttable of 2.021. It suggested that the mean score of learning outcomes for experiment class students was better that that for control ones and it could be concluded that the digital comic-based economy e-book effectively improved the students’ learning outcome.

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