
The current aim is to illustrate our research on dyslexia conducted at the Developmental Psychology section of the Department of Psychology, University of Amsterdam, in collaboration with the nationwide IWAL institute for learning disabilities (now RID). The collaborative efforts are institutionalized in the Rudolf Berlin Center. The first series of studies aimed at furthering the understanding of dyslexia using a gamified tool based on an artificial script. Behavioral measures were augmented with diffusion modeling in one study, and indices derived from the electroencephalogram were used in others. Next, we illustrated a series of studies aiming to assess individuals who struggle with reading and spelling using similar research strategies. In one study, we used methodology derived from the machine learning literature. The third series of studies involved intervention targeting the phonics of language. These studies included a network analysis that is now rapidly gaining prominence in the psychopathology literature. Collectively, the studies demonstrate the importance of letter-speech sound mapping and word decoding in the acquisition of reading. It was demonstrated that focusing on these abilities may inform the prediction, classification, and intervention of reading difficulties and their neural underpinnings. A final section examined dyslexia, conceived as a neurobiological disorder. This analysis converged on the conclusion that recent developments in the psychopathology literature inspired by the focus on research domain criteria and network analysis might further the field by staying away from longstanding debates in the dyslexia literature (single vs. a multiple deficit, category vs. dimension, disorder vs. lack of skill).

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