
We investigated the differences in sexual beliefs presented by men and women with sexual dysfunction and their sexually functional counterparts. A total of 488 participants (160 females and 232 males without sexual problems; 47 females and 49 males with a DSM‐IV diagnosis of sexual dysfunction) answered the Sexual Dysfunctional Beliefs Questionnaire. Findings showed that, although effects have only reached statistical significance for the female group, both dysfunctional men and women endorsed more sexually dysfunctional beliefs than functional beliefs. Women presented significantly more age‐related beliefs (e.g., after menopause women lose their sexual desire; as women age, the pleasure they get from sex decreases) and body image beliefs (women who are not physically attractive can't be sexually satisfied). Additionally, sexually dysfunctional males presented higher scores (not statistically significant) on “macho” belief (a real man has sexual intercourse very often) and beliefs about women's satisfaction (the quality of the erection is what most satisfies women). Overall, findings supported the idea that sexual beliefs play a role as vulnerability factors for sexual dysfunction.

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