
We have theoretically studied dynamics of the two-dimensional electron system (2DES) placed in a strong laterally non-uniform magnetic field, which appears due to ferromagnetic film on the top of heterostructure. It is shown that lateral inhomogeneity of a strong magnetic field allows itself "magnetic gradient" or special magnetic-edge magnetoplasmons. This mechanism is different from usual "density gradient" edge magnetoplasmons. We have solved self-consistently Poisson equation for non-uniform density distribution of the 2DES for realistic heterostructure together with hydrodynamic equation of 2D Fermi liquid. As a result eigen value problem has been obtained that corresponds to the motion of charge density wave perpendicular to magnetic gradient. It is shown that for non-monotonic distribution of magnetic field "magnetic gradient" magnetoplasmons may move in both directions. To solve eigen value problem we have compared two types of numerical approaches: first is grid method that diagonalizes large Hermitian matrix and second is semi-analytical approach that expand each eigen mode on the set of orthogonal functions.

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