
A relatively new term, VUCA, has emerged in the modern information field. It clearly reflects 4 essential features of modern life: Volatility — due to the need to study many factors that change in the decision-making process; Uncertainty — the inability to see and predict the future prospects; Complexity — lack of clarity of understanding of many events; Ambiguity — uncertainty of interpretation of the situation. This could not but affect the self-esteem of young health professionals of their quality of life (QOL) during 2020 and 2021.
 Objective — to remotely monitor the dynamics of changes in self-esteem of certain indicators of quality of life (QOL) in young health professionals depending on their professional background against the negative impact of chronic stress (infodemia), various administrative quarantine restrictions and forced professional communication with various patients with somatic diseases. during the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020—2021.
 Materials and methods. The study used: general clinical methods — for the overall assessment of somatic condition; psychodiagnostic survey – adapted SF-36 questionnaire to determine QOL; biostatistical methods — for the purpose of mathematical processing of the received data.
 Results and discussion. Interpersonal contacts with 4th year students of medical and dental faculties related to remote testing for the period from spring 2020 to December 2021 took place exclusively remotely due to quarantine restrictions and mainly at the initiative of health workers themselves, who learned about the possibility to effectively assess their psychological state and QOL.An objective analysis of the dynamics of self-assessment by young health workers of their own QOL over the past two years shows their successful psychosomatic adaptation to learning and clinical work in complex, unpredictable due to instability, ambiguity and some uncertainty in the 2020—2021 pandemic. Their average self-assessment of QOL should be considered as a kind of positive standard control when compared with data from similar tests conducted among other segments of the population.
 Conclusions. An objective analysis of the dynamics of self-esteem by young physicians of their own QOL over the past two years shows their successful psychosomatic adaptation in the pandemic of 2020—2021. They should be considered as a kind of positive standard when compared with data from similar testing of other segments of the population in these years.

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