
The article presents the results of experimental studies on the determination of the influence of iodine citrate on hematological and biochemical parameters of blood of sucking piglets. It was established that hemopoiesis and metabolic reactions in pigs depend on the level of Iodine in the sows, and in the later period (the 10th day) and from the receipt of the biometal as part of the prestarter. Iodine, in nanocitate form, at the expense of high bioavailability and chemical activity, provided the need for thyroid gland in it in much less quantities than the amounts recommended for pregnant and lactating sows in the form of potassium iodide. It has been established that at the admission to the body of a sow 0.095–0.19 mg/kg of feeding of iodine in a nanocyte form (1/4–1/2 of the recommended amount of iodine in the form of CI), its positive effect on hemopoiesis and metabolic processes in newborn piglets is peculiar (increased number of red blood cells, hemoglobin content, high percentage of lymphocytes, increases in the concentration of total protein and in particular albumin, against the backdrop of growth in blood plasma levels of CSF, the concentration of hormones T3 and T4 is quite stable. A higher dose in the premix of iodine citrate (1 : 1) is irrational and most likely undesirable, since against the background of inhibition of this group of erythropoiesis, eosinophilia and lymphopenia, the protein synthesis function decreases and the activity of AlAT, AsAT increases. Hematological and biochemical parameters of blood of piglets obtained from sows, which received a minimum amount of iodine in the form of citrate (0.1 : 1) with premix, did not undergo significant changes, were within the limits of physiological values, although in comparison with the animals of the control group, and particularly, the piglets of the group D2 and D3 tended to decrease (growth). Consequently, iodine citrate as a source of iodine for pregnant and subsistence sows can be recommended in the amounts: 0.095–0.19 mg/kg and 0.125–0.25 mg/kg feed.


  • Dynamics of morphological and biochemical indicators of blood of sucking piglets at different levels of iodine citrate in sows rations

  • The article presents the results of experimental studies on the determination of the influence of iodine citrate on hematological and biochemical parameters of blood of sucking piglets

  • It was established that hemopoiesis and metabolic reactions in pigs depend on the level of Iodine in the sows, and in the later period and from the receipt of the biometal as part of the prestarter

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Article info

Hunchak, R.V., & Sedilo, H.M. (2018). Dynamics of morphological and biochemical indicators of blood of sucking piglets at different levels of iodine citrate in sows rations. Встановлено, що гемопоез та обмінні реакції у поросят залежали від рівня Йоду в організмі свиноматок, а у більш пізній період (10-а доба) – і від надходження біоелементу у складі престартера. Встановлено, що за поступлення в організм свиноматок 0,095–0,19 мг/кг корму Йоду у наноцитратній формі (1/4–1/2 від рекомендованої кількості Йоду у формі КІ) характерним є позитивний його вплив на гемопоез і метаболічні процеси у новонароджених поросят Метою досліджень було вивчення морфологічних і біохімічних показників крові у підсисних поросят, народжених від свиноматок, що в період супоросності отримували з раціоном аквацитрат йоду в різних кількостях

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