
The paper points to the importance of investing in the defense capabilities of a country, through the presentation of its military expenditures as a reference indicator of military power. In this sense, the accepted hypothesis is that military power is one of the crucial assumptions of the current and future geopolitical positioning of a country, for successful implementation of its strategic interests. The interaction between the economy and the military and the dynamics of the military spending of the world leading nations after the end of World War II was analyzed, and it was found that international relations had been going through different stages, but basically there had always been mutual competition in the size of military potentials. Therefore, it is necessary to clarify the intentions and ambitions of the dominant nations of the contemporary world, primarily in terms of investing in the armed forces. Also, in this context, the position of the Republic of Serbia in international relations is examined, focusing on an analysis of its military expenditures as compared to the neighboring countries. In conclusion, it is estimated that world military spending will continue to grow in the next decade, but the structure of that spending will be completely different from the current one.

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