
The results of studies on the dynamics of the formation of the area of leaves of plants of beetroot canteen depending on varietal characteristics and sowing time in the conditions of the Forest-Steppe of Right-Bank Ukraine are presented. The dependence of the growth and development of beetroot plants on varietal characteristics and sowing dates, as well as on weather conditions that were in the studied time, was revealed. The largest number of leaves in the phase of intensive root formation was formed by plants with a sowing period of I decade of May: 13.3 pcs. / plant – Bordo Kharkivskiy, 13.1 pcs. / plant – Opolskiy. The greatest mass of the root crop in the phase of intensive root formation was planted at a sowing period of the third decade of April: the Bordo Kharkivskiy – 72.4 g, the variety Opolskiy – 43.5 g. The same pattern was observed when taking into account the mass of the aerial part of beetroot. In the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety, it varied from 92.4 g to 87.5 g depending on the sowing time, in the Opolskiy variety from 33.7 g to 31.7 g, that is, the beet plants of the Bordo Kharkivskiy cultivar formed a significantly larger mass of the aerial part in comparison with the Opolskiy variety. Plants were sown with the largest leaf area at a sowing period of the 3rd decade of April: in the Bordo Kharkivskiy – 1.2 – 4.0 thousand m2 / ha, in the Opolskiy variety – 1.0 – 2.3 thousand m2 / ha. According to the results of the crop accounting, it was found that it depended on the variety and sowing period of beetroot. On average, over the years of research, the highest yield was observed with a sowing period of the third decade of April: 63.1 t / ha for the Bordo Kharkivskiy variety, 55.9 t / ha for the Opolskiy variety.

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