
Among the entire public of fractures of long bones, more complications of reparative osteogenesis occur fragmental fractures. Their significant defects, which arise as a result of the removal of non-viable fragments, cause disturbances in local hemodynamics and microcirculation and loss of osteoconduction in the area of injury, lead to a loss of the reparative potential of bone tissue in the defect zone, and the methods of osteosynthesis do not provide restoration of osteoconduction and do not have osteointegration properties. For osteosis, a number of composite materials have been proposed, among which ceramics based on calcium phosphates are considered the most promising, which is confirmed by previous clinical, radiological and histomorphological studies. The aim of the study is to determine the dynamics of the blood levels of TGF-β and interleukins IL-1β and IL-10 for osteosis replacement of splinter bone fractures in dogs with calcium phosphate ceramics doped with silicon. Material and research methods: a control (n = 7) and research group (n = 7) dogs with accidental splinter fractures of long bones were formed. In both groups, extracortical osteosynthesis was performed with a support plate from an unalloyed titanium alloy. In the control group, bone defects were left to heal under a blood clot, and in the experimental group they were replaced with ceramics (GTlKg-3). Blood samples were taken after trauma no later than on the 48th day, and on the third, twelfth, twenty-first, forty-second and 60th days after surgical treatment. The enzyme immunoassay was used to determine the serum levels of interleukins IL-1β and IL-10 and transforming growth factor (TGF-β) тhat for a bureta reaction is a bit of a home-made bottle. The study results showed an anti-inflammatory cytokine profile with physiological norms in dogs. In case of bone injury, it becomes pro-inflammatory in nature, triggers the process of osteoresorption in the fracture area. At the same time, during reparative osteogenesis after extracortical osteosynthesis for splinter fractures, proinflammatory cytokinemia acquires a permanent character with a peak on the forty-second day, and this implies inhibition of metaplasia of cartilaginous regenerate into bone, that is, it slows down the consolidation of the fracture. However, in the case of osteosis with ceramics, the level of pro-inflammatory cytokinemia is significantly lower and continues during the first 12 days with a peak on the third day, during the inflammatory-resorptive stage. However, the key in understanding the effectiveness of osteosis was the dynamics of TGF-β, which showed its biphasic hyperreactivity in control animals, while in experimental animals, its balanced production was noted. Conclusion. Osteosis replacement of bone defects in long tubular bones in dogs with hydroxyapatite with β-tricalcium phosphate ceramics doped with silicon is accompanied by moderate cytokinemia in accordance with the course of the inflammatory-resorptive stage and the phase of remodeling with a peak of induction of transforming growth factor during the period of active osteogenesis forty-second course of reparative osteogenesis.


  • Among the entire public of fractures of long bones, more complications of reparative osteogenesis occur fragmental fractures

  • A number of composite materials have been proposed, among which ceramics based on calcium phosphates are considered the most promising, which is confirmed by previous clinical, radiological and histomorphological studies

  • The aim of the study is to determine the dynamics of the blood levels of TGF-β and interleukins IL-1β and IL-10 for osteosis replacement of splinter bone fractures in dogs with calcium phosphate ceramics doped with silicon

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Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University, Bila Tserkva, pl. 8/1 Soborna, 09117 Ukraine. Мета дослідження – визначити динаміку вмісту в крові TGF-β та інтерлейкінів ІL-1β і ІL-10 за остеозаміщення осколкових переломів кісток у собак кальціє-фосфатною керамікою, легованою кремнієм. Остеозаміщення кісткових дефектів довгих трубчастих кісток у собак гідроксиапатитною з β-трикальцій фосфатом керамікою, легованою кремнієм, супроводжується помірною цитокінемією відповідно до перебігу запально-резорбтивної стадії та фази ремоделювання з піком індукції трансформуючого фактора росту в період активного остеогенезу (42-а доба), що відображає оптимізований перебіг репаративного остеогенезу. Також нами встановлено (Rublenko et al, 2020), що заміщення кісткових дефектів за осколкових переломів трубчастих кісток у собак керамікою на основі гідроксиапатиту і β-трикальційфосфату, легованої кремнієм, репаративний остеогенез прискорюється в 1,5 раза за рахунок скорочення його запально-резорбтивної стадії та прискорення проліферативної, головним чином з боку ендоосту з ранньою мінералізацією кісткового регенерату. Мета і завдання дослідження – визначити динаміку вмісту в крові TGF-β та інтерлейкінів ІL-1β і ІL-10 за остеозаміщення осколкових переломів кісток у собак кальціє-фосфатною керамікою, легованою кремнієм

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