
The article provides data on monthly monitoring of breast pathologies for lactating cows during 2019. Observations were made on a herd of cows of Holstein breed, the cows were kept free during all season. Cows were kept n premises with a workshop structure of industrial milk production. In this farm, milking of cows was carried out three times in milking rooms with the equipment of the company GEA Farm Technologies models “Yalinka” and “Parallel”. 
 The following six issues were addressed during the monthly monitoring:
 determination of the dynamics of indicators characterizing the reproductive status of cows;
 - finding out the effect of seasonality on the number of average monthly cow disease for mastitis during the year;
 - tracking the degree of disease of cows with mastitis by months after calving lactation;
 - determination of the degree of disease of cows with mastitis, depending on the number of their lactation in the farm;
 - manifestation of the average monthly number of cow disease for clinical and subclinical mastitis;
 - tracking the frequency of each of the four proportion of udders of lactating cows.
 The data obtained are summarized in the relevant tables and discussed in the results section of the research, on which the main conclusions are drawn:
 - manifestation of breast pathologies in cows varied by season.
 The highest was in winter – 14.37%; slightly lower – in summer and autumn (respectively 12.16 and 10.32%); and the lowest (6.41%) – in spring months;
 - the highest percentage of udders pathologies of lactating cows was noted in the first, fourth and fifth months of lactation (14.9, 13.7 and 11.43%, respectively);
 - the highest percentage of mastitis was observed in young cows from the first to the third lactation (respectively 18.0; 26.4 and 20.7%);
 - the clinical form of mastitis most often was observed in winter months (92.1%). In spring, its percentage decreased (up to 72.2%) and increased slightly in summer (up to 83.1%), while in autumn there was a significant reduction of this pathology to 49.9%;
 - сonsideration of frequency of impression of each share of udder of cows, shows that the majority of pathologies (57.1%) were found on the posterior lobes.


  • Observations were made on a herd of cows of Holstein breed, the cows were kept free during all season

  • Cows were kept n premises with a workshop structure of industrial milk production. In this farm, milking of cows was carried out three times in milking rooms with the equipment of the company GEA Farm Technologies models “Yalinka” and “Parallel”

  • - finding out the effect of seasonality on the number of average monthly cow disease for mastitis during the year;

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Sumy National Agrarian

Dynamics of cow mastitis disease in conditions of industrial milk production. The article provides data on monthly monitoring of breast pathologies for lactating cows during 2019. - finding out the effect of seasonality on the number of average monthly cow disease for mastitis during the year;. - tracking the degree of disease of cows with mastitis by months after calving lactation;. - manifestation of the average monthly number of cow disease for clinical and subclinical mastitis;. - the highest percentage of udders pathologies of lactating cows was noted in the first, fourth and fifth months of lactation (14.9, 13.7 and 11.43%, respectively);. - the highest percentage of mastitis was observed in young cows from the first to the third lactation (respectively 18.0; 26.4 and 20.7%);.

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