
1 , D.R. GАFUROVA 2 , R.G. CHABBAROV 3 Objective. The objective of the present work was to study dynamics of the clinical picture of primary varicose veins in the lower extremities in the patients who had undergone the sclerosurgical intervention with the subsequent intake of the micronized puri- fied flavonoid fraction (MPFF) during the long-term follow-up period. Material and methods. The present article reports the results of evaluation of dynamics of the clinical manifestations of primary varicose veins in the lower extremities of the patients during the long-term follow-up period (5—9 years) after the sclerosurgical intervention with the subsequent intake of MPFF. The study included 153 patients presenting with primary varicose veins (189 lower extremities) who had been treated between 2002 and 2006 by means of intraoperative trunk catheter scleroobliteration of the great saphenous vein in combination with crossectomy. All the patients were prescribed the courses of MPFF intake throughout the entire period of the postoperative observation. Results. The patients were divided into groups depending on the compliance with pharmacotherapy. Group 1 included the patients who regularly took the phlebotropic preparation, group 2 was comprised of the patients who occasionally used MPFF, and group 3 contained the patients who did not use the phlebotonic еt al. The analysis of the results of the repeated examination and question- naire studies has demonstrated the positive effect of MPFF therapy on the clinical course of venous disease. It did not progress in the patients regularly taking MPFF whereas the majority of those who failed to comply with the prescribed treatment showed the tendency toward a higher CEAP clinical class. Conclusion. The regular courses of oral intake of the micronized purified flavonoid fraction had the positive influence on the results of the sclerosurgical treatment during the long-term postoperative period and decreased the probability of deterioration of the clinical manifestations of varicose veins.

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