
The dynamics of the schizoid personality disorder of 45 conscripts recognized as unfit or partially fit for the military service was investigated. Anamnesis was studied, the severity of the mental disorders and the quality of social adaptation at the time of the call and over the next five years were assessed. Two types of the schizoid personality disorder have been identified: expansive and sensitive. For recruits with a predominance of the sensitive traits (32 (71.11%) people) were characterized by: formally intact intelligence, high level of education, isolation, disinterest in establishing, or maintaining close friendships, difficulties in the social interaction with strangers, avoidance of sexual contacts. Those surveyed with expansive character traits (13 (28.89%) people) were distinguished by a lower intellectual level, decisiveness, high capacity for work, egocentricity; relations with others were distinguished by the formality and an inability to empathize. Both groups were united by the features such as: social isolation, discomfort when communicating with people, inability to form emotional ties with others, underdeveloped empathy, detachment from the real goals, and turning to the sphere of inner experiences. Follow-up analysis in 5-year dynamics showed that the main psychopathological manifestations of the sensitive and expansive types (excessive sensitivity and asthenic affect, emotional coldness and stenic affect) are smoothed out, but they are complicated by the other additional symptoms (originality of hobbies, subjectivism of thinking, weakening of the activity of the mental processes, addictive manifestations) ... A distinct decrease in the level of general functioning in some patients may indicate a possible adverse pathomorphosis: schizoid personality disorder schizotypal personality disorder schizotypal disorder. The study indicates the feasibility of developing the therapeutic measures (pharmacological, psychocorrectional, social rehabilitation) in relation to the young patients suffering from schizoid personality disorder due to the further complication of the psychopathological picture, and the appearance of signs of an endogenous process in the several patients.

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