
The article shows that the shortage of nurses in Russian medical institutions is aggravated by the difficulties of primary and secondary labor adaptation during the coronavirus pandemic. Not only the population of the country is affected by mental health problems and emotional imbalance, but especially health workers who are in direct contact with COVID patients or work in areas at risk of infection. A sample of 50 nurses aged 24-45 years (M = 32,8; SD = 5,9) empirically shows the dynamics of the level of anxiety and indicators of resilience (general resilience, involvement in the case, control and risk-taking) in the nurses of the hospital who worked in the conditions of the first and second waves of coronavirus. The inversely proportional correlation between resilience and anxiety gives reason to consider these indicators as markers of the process of labor adaptation. It is statistically justified that the level of situational anxiety and the risk-taking index decreased, and overall resilience, involvement in the case and control increased in the conditions of the second wave of coronavirus compared to the first. The results obtained may indicate adaptation processes to the conditions of work of medical workers during a long period of coronavirus infection. However, situational anxiety continues to remain at a high level along with a decrease in risk indicators. The necessity of taking measures to optimize the mental state of medical workers is noted.

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