
This is the first in a series of papers devoted to the study of spin chains capturing the spectral problem of 4d mathcal{N} = 2 SCFTs in the planar limit. At one loop and in the quantum plane limit, we discover a quasi-Hopf symmetry algebra, defined by the R-matrix read off from the superpotential. This implies that when orbifolding the mathcal{N} = 4 symmetry algebra down to the mathcal{N} = 2 one and then marginaly deforming, the broken generators are not lost, but get upgraded to quantum generators. Importantly, we demonstrate that these chains are dynamical, in the sense that their Hamiltonian depends on a parameter which is dynamically determined along the chain. At one loop we map the holomorphic SU(3) scalar sector to a dynamical 15-vertex model, which corresponds to an RSOS model, whose adjacency graph can be read off from the gauge theory quiver/brane tiling. One scalar SU(2) sub-sector is described by an alternating nearest-neighbour Hamiltonian, while another choice of SU(2) sub-sector leads to a dynamical dilute Temperley-Lieb model. These sectors have a common vacuum state, around which the magnon dispersion relations are naturally uniformised by elliptic functions. Concretely, for the ℤ2 quiver theory we study these dynamical chains by solving the one- and two-magnon problems with the coordinate Bethe ansatz approach. We confirm our analytic results by numerical comparison with the explicit diagonalisation of the Hamiltonian for short closed chains.


  • The maximally supersymmetric gauge theory in four dimensions (4d), N = 4 super YangMills (SYM), is often, rightfully so, referred to as the harmonic oscillator of our century

  • In this work we took a fresh look at the spin chains related to the one-loop spectral problem of the Z2 marginally deformed orbifold of N = 4 SYM

  • We focused on the holomorphic SU(3) scalar sector and in particular two different SU(2) subsectors

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The adjacency graph of the RSOS model is dual to the brane-tiling diagram of the corresponding quiver theory [58,59,60] (see [61] for a review) In this holomorphic SU(3) scalar sector we identify one closed SU(2) sub-sector which is naturally described by an alternating, nearest-neighbour spin chain.. We will clearly see that the spin chain of the XZ sector is elliptic and this implies that the conclusion of [7] might be too naive, and one needs to understand whether a dynamical version of the YBE might be applicable instead Having identified these two distinct SU(2) sub-sectors we study them using the coordinate Bethe ansatz. Before we delve into the description of the spin chain, a short review of the gauge theory and its symmetries is in order

The Z2 quiver theory
The Hamiltonian
Quasi-Hopf algebra and the quantum plane limit
R-matrix and Drinfeld twist in the quantum plane limit
The dynamical spin chain
The dynamical Hamiltonian
The “dense” XY sector
One magnon
Two magnons
Centre-of-mass solution
General solution
Restricted solution
Short closed chains
The “dilute” XZ sector
Elliptic parametrisation
Conclusions and outlook
Y X λ2 Y X Y λ1 Z λ1 Z λ1 Z λ1
A Taking the centre-of-mass limit in the XY sector
B Taking the centre-of-mass limit in the XZ sector
C Example of a dynamical alternating chain
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