
Resembling the renormalization group from ultraviolet to infrared, we construct a dynamical holographic model in the graviton-dilaton-scalar framework, where the dilaton background field $\Phi$ and scalar field $X$ are responsible for the gluodynamics and chiral dynamics, respectively. At the UV boundary, the dilaton field is dual to the dimension-4 gluon operator, and the scalar field is dual to the dimension-3 quark-antiquark operator. The metric structure at IR is automatically deformed by the nonperturbative gluon condensation and chiral condensation in the vacuum. The produced scalar glueball spectra in the graviton-dilaton framework agree well with lattice data, and the light-flavor meson spectra generated in the graviton-dilaton-scalar framework are in well agreement with experimental data. Both the chiral symmetry breaking and linear confinement are realized in this dynamical holographic QCD model. The necessary condition for the existence of linear quark potential is discussed, and the pion form factor is also investigated in the dynamical holographic QCD model.

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