
This paper proposes a leader multi-follower optimization for energy transactions in the multi-microgrid systems. The transactions of microgrids with the distribution network operator can be provided by energy internet. The distribution network operator can buy/sell energy from/to the microgrids. The upper-level of the optimization is modeled as a multi-objective optimization in which the profit of distribution network operator, independence performance, and energy not supplied of the system have been optimized using the lexicography approach. In the lexicography approach, two-steps for objectives are defined. In the first step, the profit of the distribution network operator is maximized, while the independence performance index and energy not supplied of system have been optimized in the second step. In the lower-level, microgrids are considered as followers to minimize their costs. The uncertainty of renewable generation and market prices are applied to the model using scenario-generation and scenario-reduction technique. The proposed non-linear bi-level model is transformed to the linear single-level optimization using the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions and strong duality theorem. The proposed model is tested on the standard case study and the results show the efficiency of the proposed model in terms of independence index, energy not supplied, and greenhouse gas emissions.

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