
Aim of research. An assessment of the CNS state, neuropsychological indicators and influence of the modern methods of physical rehabilitation on the dynamics of vegetative adaptive and compensatory brain systems in patients with effects of an early organic lesion of nervous system.Materials and methods of research. There were examined and treated 20 children 7-11 years old. An assessment of vegetative homeostasis was carried out using cardiointervalography (CIG), neuropsychic functions and deficiency of statomotor development – the method of Luriya neuropsychological testing. The children of the first group (10 persons) underwent massage and therapeutic physical training with special attention to the dynamic stereotype in complex with generally developmental, breathing, special passive and active, static and dynamic exercises, postisometric relaxation, massotherapy. The patients of the second group (10 persons) underwent traditional therapeutic physical training and massage.Results of research. It was observed an inhibition of the humoral control of heart rate in examined children and at the same time an activation of sympathetic system. As a result it was detected an increase of the stress index of compensatory reactions of organism (stress index SI — 124 un. at the norm 65,0 ud.). Neuropsychological features of these patients indicated the presence of the left hemispheric and less right hemispheric deficiency, dysfunction of subcortical and stem structures.The use of the complex methodology of rehabilitation with special attention to the dynamic stereotype and manual therapy according to the aspects of genesis of myofascial dysfunction favored an optimization of the stress of compensatory mechanisms of organism (SI — 51,0 un.). In the second group it was observed a stable activity of sympathetic regulation of the heart rate compared with indicators before treatment and an insignificant decrease of the stress index of vegetative balance (SI — 74,0 un.).The more significant dynamics of the state of the high integrative functions and indicators of visual and auditory gnosis was also attained in the first group of treatment.Conclusions. The use of schemes of treatment according to the state of organization of the motor functions, aspects of genesis of myofascial dysfunction with special attention to vegetative regulation favor an increase of the level of high cortical functions and ensure the regulative influence of central structures on motility and regulation of the heart rate.


  • Matematicheskaya statistika v medico-biologicheskih issledovaniyah s primeneniem paketa Statistika [Mathematical statistics in medico biological researcheswith application of packet Statistica]

  • It was observed an inhibition of the humoral control of heart rate in examined children and at the same time an activation of sympathetic system

  • As a result it was detected an increase of the stress index of compensatory reactions of organism

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Горша Василий Иванович, соискатель научной степени, врач физиотерапевт клинического отдела медицинской реабилитации, ГП «Украинский НИИ медицины транспорта», МЗ Украины, ул. КОРЕКЦІЯ ДИНАМІЧНОГО СТЕРЕОТИПУ ТА ВЕГЕТАТИВНОЇ РЕГУЛЯЦІЇ У ДІТЕЙ З НАСЛІДКАМИ ОРГАНІЧНОГО УРАЖЕННЯ НЕРВОВОЇ СИСТЕМИ

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