
Left ventricle (LV) endocardium segmentation in echocardiography video has received much attention as an important step in quantifying LV ejection fraction. Most existing methods are dedicated to exploiting temporal information on top of 2D convolutional networks. In addition to single appearance semantic learning, some research attempted to introduce motion cues through the optical flow estimation (OFE) task to enhance temporal consistency modeling. However, OFE in these methods is tightly coupled to LV endocardium segmentation, resulting in noisy inter-frame flow prediction, and post-optimization based on these flows accumulates errors. To address these drawbacks, we propose dynamic-guided spatiotemporal attention (DSA) for semi-supervised echocardiography video segmentation. We first fine-tune the off-the-shelf OFE network RAFT on echocardiography data to provide dynamic information. Taking inter-frame flows as additional input, we use a dual-encoder structure to extract motion and appearance features separately. Based on the connection between dynamic continuity and semantic consistency, we propose a bilateral feature calibration module to enhance both features. For temporal consistency modeling, the DSA is proposed to aggregate neighboring frame context using deformable attention that is realized by offsets grid attention. Dynamic information is introduced into DSA through a bilateral offset estimation module to effectively combine with appearance semantics and predict attention offsets, thereby guiding semantic-based spatiotemporal attention. We evaluated our method on two popular echocardiography datasets, CAMUS and EchoNet-Dynamic, and achieved state-of-the-art.

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