
SUMMARY The feasibility of simulating dynamic fracture in quasi-brittle material using a dual particle computational method with a smeared-crack representation of material failure is explored. The computational approach utilized is dual particle dynamics, which incorporates a moving least squares interpolation of field variables between two sets of particles that discretize the spatial domain, and a Lagrangian description of the moving least squares weight function. Material failure is represented by an inelastic continuum strain contribution obtained from smearing the effect of a cohesive failure model over a discrete volume of material. A three-dimensional simulation of the initiation and development of a dynamic mode I failure is performed for the case of approximate plane wave propagation. Post failure wave interaction with the resulting global failure surface replicates the behavior of a stress-free boundary condition. The computational material failure approach is applied to problems of spalling in split Hopkinson pressure bar tests. Experimental failure trends are reproduced successfully.Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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