
Global models are widely used to describe macroscopic phenomena in various discharge systems, while including as many microscopic processes as possible1. The developed Kinetic Global Model framework (KGMf) is a volume-averaged simulation tool used to explore complicated chemistry in multi-species systems with a goal to obtain a set of influential reactions2, The reduced reaction set can then be used as a part of input parameters in a fluid or a particle simulation code (e.g., PIC). The electron energy distribution function (EEDF) has direct impact on the rate coefficient of electron impact reactions and further on the plasma properties. Coupling a Boltzmann equation solver (BOLOS3) with the KGMf can capture the EEDF changes in time, which makes the simulation results more physically reasonable but simulation times longer. To balance between model complexity and computational efficiency, reducing the evaluation frequency of the EEDF is necessary. This is can be achieved by predefining the EEDF evaluation frequency, which requires detailed knowledge of the simulated system that is usually unknown.

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