
The COVID-19 pandemic has ushered in an unprecedented adoption and integration of telehealth and artificial intelligence (AI) driven by telemedicine technologies into healthcare systems worldwide. These innovations promise to revolutionize healthcare delivery by offering greater accessibility, efficiency, and responsiveness to patient needs. However, the rapid deployment of these technologies in response to the crisis has illuminated the imperative need for systematic evaluation processes that comprehensively assess their operations and outcomes. This article underscores the critical importance of developing rigorous evaluation frameworks tailored to the evolving landscape of telehealth and AI-driven telemedicine technologies. The absence of standardized evaluation processes presents multifaceted challenges including uncertainties regarding long-term efficacy, patient safety, data security, and ethical considerations. Ensuring the responsible and effective integration of telehealth and AI into healthcare systems requires adaptable, multidimensional evaluation mechanisms that align with clinical objectives and regulatory standards. Through an examination of documents, procedures, policies, and best practices by regional hospitals, this article advocates for developing evaluation processes that enable stakeholders to optimize the deployment of telehealth and AI technologies fostering patient-centered care while addressing emerging challenges. In an era marked by healthcare transformation, establishing robust evaluation frameworks emerges as a paramount endeavor essential for realizing the full potential of telehealth and AI-driven telemedicine in the post-COVID-19 healthcare ecosystem.

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