
Today many web applications in the cloud (apps) are built based on microservices. However, as the anomaly propagates in a highly dynamic and complex way, troubleshooting them becomes full of challenges. Existing diagnostic methods are mostly designed based on monitoring metrics retrieved from the microservice system kernel. Therefore, application owners and even site reliability engineers (SREs) cannot effectively resort to those methods when the microservice systems lack such a comprehensive monitoring infrastructure. In this paper, we develop DyCause, a crowdsourcing solution to the asymmetric diagnostic information problem. Our solution collects the operational status of kernel services collaboratively from the user space and initiates diagnosis on demand. Without the requirement of any architectural or functional infrastructure, it is both fast and lightweight to deploy DyCause in a microservice system. In order to discover the fine-grained dynamic causalities between services during the anomaly, we also design an efficient algorithm based on statistical analysis. Based on this algorithm, we can also analyze the anomaly propagation paths within the microservice system and generate a better interpretable diagnosis. In our evaluation, we test DyCause in a controlled simulation environment and a real-world cloud system. Our results have shown that DyCause has the best accuracy and efficiency among several state-of-the-art methods and is more robust in terms of parameters.

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