
Summary. The thermomechanical differential equations governing deformation in viscous shear zones have been solved for both constant velocity and constant stress boundary conditions. The solutions show that the inertial term in these equations can be neglected everywhere. The starting condition of the constant velocity model has been shown to be a constant velocity gradient and not a Heaviside function. The temperature anomaly produced by shear heating at the centre of the shear zone is shown to increase gradually and continuously with time, not reaching an asymptotic value. Conclusions for the constant velocity boundary condition are otherwise generally similar to those presented by Yuen et d. and agree with Fleitout & Froidevaux. The temperatures reached by constant velocity shears are sufficient for partial melting. Constant stress boundary condition shear zone models show an initially broad shear zone with uniform shear velocity gradient. Depending on the level of applied shear stress and ambient temperature, localized intense shear heating may develop followed by thermal runaway. At lower ambient temperatures relatively high stresses are required to produce thermal runaway. The broadening of the constant velocity shear zone proceeds more rapidly with increased ambient temperature. This can be used to show that shear zones broaden with depth. The merging of parallel shear zone pairs has been investigated and shear zones separated by distances of less than lOkm coalesce to form a single shear zone within 3 Myr. Only shear zones separated by 50 km or more remain distinct over periods of tens of millions of years.

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