
Background. The great pathologist Dusan Lambl (1824–1895; Czech by origin, who lived half of his life in the Russian Empire, of which 10 years – in Kharkiv) made an invaluable contribution to the development of medical science. However, his discoveries were gradually forgotten and faded from the names of the pathogens discovered by him and the diseases they cause. Objective. Studying Lambl's scientific heritage and information about his professional activities can help restore knowledge about his scientific contribution and learn valuable lessons that could help modern specialists in their professional identification and incorporation. Methods. Analysis of literature about Lambl, his discoveries and professional activities using general scientific and historical methods allowed us to come to certain conclusions. Results. In the late 1850s, persecuted by the authorities as a member of the national movement, Lambl was forced to seek refuge in Ukraine, where in 1861 he took up the vacant position of professor at the Department of Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv University. By that time, a world-renowned pathologist, Lambl started to actively develop the teaching of Pathological anatomy and Histology at the University. In 1867, through his efforts, two new departments were established at the faculty – Histology and Pathological anatomy. The latter he headed personally until his departure to Warsaw in 1871. The surviving materials on Lambl's activities in Kharkiv are showing him as a skilful pathologist with a refined approach to his profession. Analysis of the literature on Lambl's scientific researches demonstrated a slow fading of references to his name in the titles of his discoveries. Conclusion. Lambl's contribution to scientific medicine is indeed great, but not appreciated deservedly. His approach to the professional activity of a pathologist and teacher can become a great example for young specialists in practical medicine, science and education.


  • Protsenko O.S. , Kyrychenko M.I. , Remnyova N.O

  • In the late 1850s, persecuted by the authorities as a member of the national movement, Lambl was forced to seek refuge in Ukraine, where in 1861 he took up the vacant position of professor at the Department of Anatomy of the Medical Faculty of Kharkiv University

  • In 1867, through his efforts, two new departments were established at the faculty – Histology and Pathological anatomy

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Внесок Душана Лямбля в світову медицину

Лямбля належить кілька важливих відкриттів, які вписали його ім'я в історію світової медицини. Лямбль описав знайдений ним в екскрементах п'ятирічної пацієнтки мікроорганізм, який він назвав «Cercomonas intestinalis» [22] Американський паразитолог Чарльз Стайлс (Charles Wardell Stiles) ввів назву Giardia lamblia, щоб вшанувати обох вчених [24: p. Він зробив його докладний опис та ідентифікував як Cercomonas intestinalis. В кінці назви параграфа про Cercomonas intestinalis значиться прізвище Лямбль, а в тексті параграфа згадується його публікація 1875 р. І нехай його ім’я відображено сьогодні не в усіх назвах відкритих ним патогенів, методів чи анатомічних частин тіла, а заслуги не завжди згадуються в науковій літературі, постать цього митця-патолога залишиться назавжди в літописі історії медицини України та Харкова. Інформація про конфлікт інтересів Потенційних або явних конфліктів інтересів, що пов'язані з цим рукописом, на момент публікації не існує та не передбачається

Літературні джерела References
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