
The problem of the formation of the individual’s subjective position during professional education and professional activities is widely presented in the psychologists’s and educators’s researchs (G. Aksonova, Yu. Blinova, E. Zalevskaya, E. Dvoryankina, Yu. Kuznetsova, A. Lebedev, T. Olkhova and G. Radchuk, etc.). The researchers are paying attention on the development of the students’s subjective position in the educational, professional and creative activity, they are learning the process of its formation at the stage of self-actualization and during advanced training. In our opinion, the subjective position of a future specialist it is a system of meaningful, valuable and semantic attitudes to the learning, to the chosen profession, to himself as a specialist and to the own future professional way that are aimed at self-development and self-actualization. Agreeing with N. Boritko, F.I Bliyeva, G. Radchuk we think that the desire for self-actualization is an integrated indicator of the subjective position of a future specialist. The desire for self-actualization is a leading motive that prompts for maximum achievements in the future profession. The analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature makes it possible to determine the self-actualization of the personality in educational and professional activity as the process of the most complete embodiment of the student's own intellectual, spiritual, moral, creative, communicative, energetic and other potentialities of the person in educational and professional activity, in communication and in the work. When we did a research we found that all students have a low level of self-actualization. It is manifested in the lack of desire for self-knowledge, self-development, self-improvement, self-transformation. The students do not want to achieve the own goal, do not want to get some results, do not want to show the best qualities of they personality, as much as possible. They do not strive in overcome unfavorable experience and do not strive to be open in internal and external experiences. They goals, views, values and motives doesn’t encourage to achieve their maximum in the profession. However, the researchers can appreciate and respect their advantages and positive qualities and positively perceive the environment, show sincerity and harmony in interpersonal relationships. In our opinion one of the reasons for such a state is the inadequate promotion of the development of subjectivity, actualization of the subject potential in the conditions of the educational environment of higher education. Being passive objects of educational influences, students do not have sufficient opportunities to realize the desire for self-actualization. Therefore, all of the above issues actualizes the problem of creation the favorable conditions for the development of a subjective position and the formation of the integrity of the personality of a modern student-future specialist.


  • Студенты не хотят достигать поставленной цели, получать определенные результаты, максимально проявлять лучшие качества своей личности, не хотят преодолевать неблагоприятный опыт, быть открытыми во внутренних и внешних переживаний

  • professional activities is widely presented in the psychologists's and educators

  • they are learning the process of its formation at the stage

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Студенты не хотят достигать поставленной цели, получать определенные результаты, максимально проявлять лучшие качества своей личности, не хотят преодолевать неблагоприятный опыт, быть открытыми во внутренних и внешних переживаний. ПРАГНЕННЯ ДО САМОАКТУАЛІЗАЦІЇ ЯК ІНТЕГРАТИВНИЙ ПОКАЗНИК РОЗВИТКУ СУБ’ЄКТНОЇ ПОЗИЦІЇ СУЧАСНОГО СТУДЕНТА Здійснене дослідження проявів прагнення до самоактуалізації як одного із визначальних показників розвитку суб’єктної позиції особистості майбутнього фахівця.

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