
Integration of hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) into photovoltaic (PV) applications has been a hot topic due to their versatility. However, the proper allocation and power management schemes of HESS are challenges under diverse mission profiles. In this paper, a cost-effectiveness-oriented two-level scheme is proposed as a guideline for the PV-HESS system (i.e., PV, Li-ion battery and supercapacitor), to size the system configuration and extend battery lifespan while considering the power ramp-rate constraint. On the first level, a sizing methodology is proposed to balance the self-sufficiency and the energy throughput between the PV system and the grid to achieve the most cost-effectiveness. On the second level, an improved adaptive ramp-rate control strategy is implemented that dynamically distributes the power between the battery and supercapacitor to reduce the battery cycles. The case study presents the whole two-level design process in detail, and verifies the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, where the results show that the battery cycles are reduced by up to 13% over one year without affecting the self-sufficiency of the PV system.

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