
RESUMO O objetivo deste estudo é examinar, no poema Da bomba que compõe Reamanhecer, segunda parte do livro Amanhecência (1974), de Stella Leonardos, as relações entre leitura/escritura no exercício metapoético de apropriação do poema A bomba, de Carlos Drummond de Andrade. Tal reescritura metapoética opera por meio do pensamento analógico, em que se esboça a figura do poeta crítico em sua relação com a tradição. Neste movimento duplo, fundamentado no deslocamento do sujeito lírico para fora de si, advém a nossa hipótese de pesquisa: a de um singular livro-antologia no qual a poeta se apropria dos poemas com os quais dialoga por meio de dois procedimentos: o de expansão, gerador do canto paralelo, e o de redução, em que a glosa das epígrafes é recurso chave.


  • The aim of this study is to analyse, in the poem Da bomba [From the Bomb], in Reamanhecer [New Dawn], the second section of Stella Leonardos’ poetry book Amanhecência [Dawning] (1974), the relationship between the processes of reading and writing in the metapoetic exercise of appropriation of Carlos Drummond de Andrade’s poem A bomba [The Bomb]

  • From the analysis of Da bomba [From the Bomb], the poem taken in this study as a nuclear and illustrative part of the corpus of Reamanhecer [New Dawn], we observe that Stella Leonardos seems more preoccupied in weaving a linked textual influx, even though it comes from diffused poetic discourses, in designing a diachronic-synchronic path across the Brazilian literary history embodied in her poems

  • 16 Original text: “I/ QUE É A POESIA?/ mar av(e) ilha/ – achados –/ de palavras/ por todas/ as páginas// II/ Que é o Poeta?/ um homem/ que lavra seu gênio/ com mais que suor no rosto. /Um homem/ que tem força/ mais do que qualquer outro homem.”. It is a cohesive construction, underlying a unique poetic project: that of gathering together a legacy of poems form the history of Brazilian literature, from canonic names to those considered as minor poets, in order to trace a new path over this lineage

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Dis-in-te-gra-tions or What a Bomb Can Do

We start from the assumption that, in the poem Da bomba [From the Bomb], there is a simultaneous motion of the gloss with the parallel song of the epigraph, extending this thematically. Pound (in his argument linking translation to creation of the basis of literature itself – in his case English literature –, to literary criticism, or to the teaching of literature, in a process of appreciation and revision of the past, through the critical-artistic work of make it new) In this way, “parallel song” does not detract in any way the poems appropriated by Stella Leonardos, since, according to Waugh (2001, p.66) “[...] parody of a literary norm modifies the relation between literary convention and cultural historical norms, causing a shift in the whole system of relations.”. We refer here to questions raised by the concrete poetry movement and demands for a new poetic language apt to reflect contemporary civilization, - demands to which Carlos Drummond de Andrade, alongside the comfortable omission of many, knew how to deal with and replicate in terms of high and very personal creative work.

13 Translation by Jennifer Sarah Frota in SIBILA
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