In this paper, the goal is to understand the influence of spray combustion on the evolution of droplet clusters and collective gasification processes of droplet groups in a fuel spray. Experiments were conducted in an acetone spray from a pressure swirl injector under both non-reacting and reacting conditions for the same fuel flow rate through the injector. The PIV technique was employed to capture Mie-scattering images of the spray and to measure droplet velocity, while droplet sizing was achieved by application of the ILIDS technique. Voronoi analysis of the PIV images facilitated identification of droplet clusters. Accordingly, the cluster length scale and local droplet number density within clusters could be obtained. In addition, the Group evaporation/combustion number (G) for individual clusters was also evaluated. Either in the presence or absence of spray combustion, wide range of cluster size exists in the spray which highlights multi-scale clustering of droplets. Accordingly, G varies in a broad range that indicates multi-mode evaporation/combustion of the droplet clusters. Distinct behavior of droplet clusters is identified depending on the cluster size relative to the mean cluster area. While the evolution of small clusters is not sensitive to the presence of the spray flame, the length scale of the large-scale clusters and gasification process of such groups of droplets are modified due to spray combustion compared to the non-reacting condition.
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