
Organic farming is a farming activity that is familiar with the environment. Western agricultural experts define organic farming as the law of return, which means a system that returns all types of organic matter to the soil, both in the form of residues and plant and livestock wastes which then aim to feed the plants. The philosophy is to give food to the soil then the land will provide food for plants (Sutanto, 2002). Organic dragon fruit farming in Pamekasan Regency has been running for 5 years, so the decision of organic farmers is a very important factor in the application of dragon fruit organic farming. There are two indicators that influence farmers’ decisions in applying dragon fruit organic farming, namely driving forces and pressures. The research method used is DPSIR (Driving Forces-Pressures-State-Impact-Responses). However, in this study limiting analysis is only an element of Driving Forces and Pressures. The way to retrieve data is by in-depth study or in-depth interviews with 34 organic dragon fruit farmers. The results showed that there were 6 things that became driving forces of farmers’ decisions in implementing dragon fruit organic farming, namely: (1) Unoptimal Use of Agricultural Land, (2) Lack of Irrigation Infrastructure and Management, (3) Lack of Farmers Knowledge about Pest and Disease Management, (4) Low Agricultural Quality due to Excessive Use of Chemical Fertilizers and Pesticides, (5) Respondents and Experiences of Organic Dragon Fruit Farming Education Levels are Short Term and (6) Lack of Infrastructure Availability to Support Organic Fruit Farming Fields Dragon. Meanwhile Pressures that influence farmers’ decisions in applying dragon fruit organic farming are: (1) Ability to reduce the use of chemicals, (2) The use of organic matter is still lacking, (3) Lack of effort to prevent soil erosion and ( 4) Lack of awareness to increase land security capacity.

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