
Solar radio burst is a signature of solar flare generated by plasma emission mechanism. Radio burst is a diagnostic tool to study electron beam evolution and plasma background properties in corona and interplanetary medium. Sudden release magnetic energy up to 1032 ergs due to magnetic connection accelerates electron located at accelerated site to propagate near relativistic. This fast group of electron propagating through plasma background induced high level of Langmuir wave due to bump in tail instability. Non linear wave-wave causing radio burst near the local plasma frequency. In this paper, frequency drift of radio burst is calculated only from 1 MHz to 400 kHz and the data is obtained from Coordinated Data Analysis Web (CDAweb). The data is analysed by identifying time during maximum intensity of burst at the particular frequency range. Only 45 burst observed in September 2017 is considered in this paper. Meanwhile the data of solar wind speed and density is collected from Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) satellite. Drift frequency of burst then compared to average of solar wind and density. From the analysis, drift frequency of burst decreasing against solar wind speed and solar wind density. But both relationship shows very weak correlation between drift frequency and solar wind properties.

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