
We investigate the difference between the coupling of a bare carrier to phonons versus the coupling of a correlations-dressed quasiparticle to phonons, and show that latter may be weak even if the former is strong. Specifically, we analyze the effect of the hole-phonon coupling on the dispersion of the quasiparticle that forms when a single hole is doped into a cuprate layer. To model this, we start from the three-band Emery model supplemented by the Peierls modulation of the $p$-$d$ and $p$-$p$ hoppings due to the motion of O ions. We then project onto the strongly correlated $U_{dd}\rightarrow \infty$ limit where charge fluctuations are frozen on the Cu site. The resulting effective Hamiltonian describes the motion of a doped hole on the O sublattice, and its interactions with Cu spins and O phonons. We show that even though the hole-phonon coupling is moderate to strong, it leads to only a very minor increase of the quasiparticle's effective mass as compared to its mass in the absence of coupling to phonons, consistent with a weak coupling to phonons of the correlations-dressed quasiparticle. We explain the reasons for this suppression, revealing why it is expected to happen in any systems with strong correlations.

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