
Background Critical perspectives which focus on socio-political influences on occupation have gained increased attention within the occupational therapy profession. Critical disability studies (CDS) question prevailing assumptions about disability and how disabling ideologies and practices are perpetuated in society. Universal Design (UD) is a design approach that aims to operationalise issues of inclusion and justice. Aim To identify and discuss how the tenets of CDS and UD can contribute to occupational therapy practice and research. Methods and Results Drawing on the writings of leading scholars within CDS, UD and occupational therapy, we demonstrate the intertwined barriers faced by disabled children, youth, and adults who have participated in our studies and provide ideas on how practice can be guided by the tenets of CDS and UD to promote social equity. Conclusions Incorporating CDS and UD perspectives in occupational therapy practice and research requires a change in mindset and ways of working. Occupational therapy knowledge needs to be expanded to scrutinise disabling hindrances hidden within social and structural spaces, and implemented in services. We recommend working with disability communities to raise awareness and combat disabling barriers at various level of society, as mandated by policy.

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