
The process of democratization from below has threatened the very existence of the caste system and the dominance of the traditionally powerful groups. We are now witnessing such momentous historic developments in the social system in India. It is in this historic perspectives, more and more sections of people are discovering the relevance and importance of the ideology of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar, who put forward scientific analysis of the caste system, the Hindu religion had evolved ways and means to fight out of the evils and degenerations, resulting into the very negation of human values and dignity. We often use the most elusive tern social justice but rarely define it as it is covered by conflicting claims of divergent approaches of divergent segments of society. Further it is a multi-contextual term having interpretations and implications in national and international spheres. The modern idea of social justice is concerned with ushering in a new social order without any border which could secure rights and advantages for the different sections of society in general and for the vulnerable and underprivileged sections of society in particular. As whole, it is correctly that any genuine democratization process can be started in India only through social justice. For that the emancipation of the Dalits, by a restoration of self-respect, is very much needed. The vision of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar has given us a comprehensive programme for achieving social justice in India. So, it is the duty of all progressive and democratic forces to assimilate the ideology and vision of Dr. B. R. Ambedkar for the establishment of genuine social justice.

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