
Abstract The characteristics of well-developed downslope winds observed by tethered balloon soundings at multiple locations over a low-angle slope in the Salt Lake Valley are studied using the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS). The model successfully simulated the key properties of the observed wind and temperature structure and evolution and provided insight into the forcing mechanisms. The results show that, although the slope angle is only 1.6°, the buoyancy force associated with the local temperature perturbation caused by nocturnal cooling of the slope surface is capable of producing the unusually strong and deep downslope winds observed by the tethersondes. The hypothesis that the flow is produced locally by the temperature deficit is further confirmed by analysis of the momentum budget that indicates a very small contribution from advection to the downslope mass flux. The analysis also reveals the importance of the along-slope pressure gradient force, which has been neglected by some previous investigators. On an isolated slope, the pressure gradient force, which develops as the downslope-flow layer deepens with downslope distance, is important mostly in the upper part of the downslope wind layer where it counterbalances the buoyancy force. On a slope in a valley, the pressure gradient force interacts with the valley inversion to produce intermittency in the downslope jet and may also significantly slow the flow as the inversion strengthens during the night. The simulations for two different observational nights indicate that the maximum downslope wind speed is sensitive to ambient stability, with near-neutral ambient stability yielding a stronger downslope jet than does a more stable ambient atmosphere. Sensitivity studies suggest that an increase in down-valley winds leads to a decrease in the maximum downslope wind speed and an increase in the thickness of the downslope wind layer. An increase in slope roughness, on the other hand, increases the height of the downslope jet but has little effect on other properties. The downslope wind is stronger over a gentle 1.6° slope than over a much steeper slope of 11°, mainly because of the combination of the stronger buoyancy and weaker pressure gradient over the gentle slope.

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