
The concept of ‘doughnut economics’ is attracting growing attention from policy-makers and has the potential to unify stakeholders around a holistic vision of sustainable development. The ‘safe and just’ space within the doughnut is framed at a global scale, based on human needs that represent a foundation for social wellbeing, and planetary boundaries reflecting biophysical limits. However, the geographical division of political power between and within nations means that its ability to stimulate change will depend upon its application at national and subnational scales. This paper examines the challenges facing local institutions in downscaling doughnut economics for planning, decision-making and leadership; draws on wider literature from previous efforts to localise sustainability governance to help illuminate these challenges; and outlines a future research agenda to support local governance for a safe and just space. • Doughnut economics has popular appeal among actors pursuing sustainable development. • Local governance is critical for mobilising action to meet global goals. • Governance structures and processes to support downscaling are underexamined. • Downscaling the doughnut framework poses three key local governance challenges. • We propose areas for transdisciplinary research and action to support downscaling.

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