
The article presents the names of Ukrainian football teams over the century-long history of the development of football in Bukovyna. The object of analysis in the study was the nominations of Bukovyna teams, starting from the 20s of the 20th century and until now. The subject of analysis is the motivational base and methods of creating the names of Bukovyna football teams in the 20–21th centuries. The sources of factual material in the investigation were Ukrainian periodicals, primarily sports, and the works of sports historians on the development of football in Bukovyna. The motivation of the names of football teams was analyzed, and they were differentiated into homonymous and appellative names. The political and social and cultural factors of naming tendencies that dominated in different periods of football development are traced. It was found that in the 20–30s of the 20th century, when the Bukovyna lands were part of Romania, and the Ukrainians of Bukovyna tried to demonstrate their national identity in various ways, the names of football clubs in these areas reflected associations with cultural, historical, geographical realities of Ukraine. Along with the names motivated by toponyms, hydronyms, oronyms, nominations of Ukrainian organizations and unions, names of persons by profession, many names came from anthroponyms – Dovbush, Karmelyuk, Gonta, Zaliznyak, Doroshenko, Mazepa, Petlyura, which was a notable feature of Bukovyna football naming. In the 40–80s of the 20th century the share of football team names with a nationalcultural component in meaning has noticeably decreased (Bukovyna, Karpaty, Cheremosh), instead, unified nominations have appeared with Soviet realities and symbols of communist ideology reflected in them. During this period, club names derived from the names of all-Union sports associations, ergonims, names of persons by profession, names of enterprise products, and ideological names (Kolos, Legmash) dominated. In the period after the restoration of Ukrainian independence, the number of nominations with ethnоcultural connotations increased, a small percentage of names formed in the times of totalitarianism were preserved, and under the influence of the commercialization of sports, names that duplicate the names of organizations that finance football clubs and eclectic nominations, which combined Soviet team names with the names of their sponsors (Farmer, RA-DENT, Kolos-Maya, Zarinok-Drim-Tim). The prospects of the research are to identify trends in the naming of football clubs in different Ukrainian regions.

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