
After the Bolshevik revolution, which started in 1917, Turkish-Russian relations acquired a different dimension. In the civil war in Russia, the support of states such as England and France to Tsarist Russia had brought the Bolshevik Russia and Turkey together. In this context, the intimacy between the parties increased during the period of national struggle and even the Bolsheviks provided financial assistance to the national struggle. This intimacy, which started in the period of national struggle, reached its peak with the 1925 Treaty of Friendship and Neutrality. Treaty of Locarno Treaties made between Germany and western states just a week before this treaty caused Turkey and Russia to make it. Germany western states between Turkey and Russia have made in Locarno Treaty has led to the treaty. The Treaty of Locarno was considered as a common threat and caused the intimacy of the parties. After the Montreux Convention, which was concluded at the end of this period, revealed the disagreements about the Straits, the friendship relations that started in the National Struggle began to disappear among the parties. In the study, it is aimed to give Turkish Russian relations with the finest details. Accordingly, copyrighted works related to the subject discussed were reviewed and the gap in the field was tried to be closed by looking at the periodical publications.

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