
The tendency of textile materials to crease is reduced by the finishing process when cross-linked compounds are incorporated in the amorphous phase, which improve the recovery of material after the elimination of the pressure load. Because of adverse effects on human health conventional formaldehyde-based processing compounds are increasingly substituted by new compounds and by use of biopolymers. In the paper, examined is the possibility of using the biopolymer chitosan in combination with reactive resin to improve the physical properties of fabrics made of blended cotton/PES. The use of chitosan in combination with commercial reactant improves the physical characteristics of fabrics, because increasing the concentrations of biopolymer progressively increases recovery angle (a0), quality number (K) and the bursting strength of the treated fabric.


  • The tendency of textile materials to crease is reduced by the finishing process when cross-linked compounds are incorporated in the amorphous phase, which improve the recovery of material after the elimination of the pressure load

  • Ugao gužvanja neobrađenog uzorka od 140o povećava se na 230-256 o, dok se broj bakterija redukuje od 90-99% u zavisnosti od formulacije rastvora za obradu

  • Tkanina je industrijski pripremljena za bojenje i doradu

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Materijal i metode rada

U eksperimentu je korišćena tkanina - fabrička mešavina pamuk/poliestar (60/40), površinske mase 173 g/m2, u prepletaju keper 2/1 Z i gustine po osnovi 37 cm-1 i potki 26 cm-1. Tkanina je industrijski pripremljena za bojenje i doradu. Uzorci tkanine su obrađivani u kupatilu zapremine 200 cm koji sadrži 100 g/dm Neuperma GFN, 20 g/dm Katalizatora MG i određene koncentracije hitozana na temperaturi 30 oC u toku 5 minuta, a zatim su ceđeni na laboratorijskom fulardu (upijanje 80%). 0 – tkanina obrađena sa 100 g/dm Neuperma GFN i 20 g/dm Katalizatora MG. Na dorađenim uzorcima ispitana je otpornost na gužvanje – merenjem ugla gužvanja nakon 5 i 60 minuta i izračunavanjem ugla skoka i kvalitetnog broja za oba sistema žica u skladu sa standardom SRPS. Osim otpornosti na gužvanje ispitane su i sledeće fizičke karakteristike uzoraka: dimenzionalna stabilnost (skupljanje) prema standardu SRPS. F.S2.020 – metoda C i jačina na prskanje prema standardu SRPS. Prema AATCC Test metodu 39-1980 određeno je vreme kvašenja

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