
By signing the Copenhagen Declaration on Doping in Sport, in December 2003, the basis was created for the adoption of the Law on prevention of doping in sports. The Parliament of Serbia has adopted this law firstly in 2005, on the basis of which was established Antidoping Agency of Serbia (ADAS). Due to changes, which are done on the World Antidoping Code, the Parliament of Serbia has adopted a new Law on the Prevention of doping in sport in 2014. Behind all these legislative and governmental activity, however, there is a long experience and knowledge of members of the Sports Medicine Association of Serbia, who conducted the doping control when there was no official agency and started a new activity that, until then, doctors did not practice. Not only that, ADAS is one of the few antidoping organization in the world where only the people in health profession are working as a doping control officers. ADAS set the highest standards that have the most important international federations (FIBA, UEFA, FIFA etc.) and not more than 20% of national antidoping organization. For this we are very proud, because we have created an institution that represents the heritage for the future generations of medical doctors. By the time ADAS has been established, it was considered there is no problem of doping in Serbia. However, the number of doping positive cases clearly supports the fact that the problem exists. Over the years, the number of athletes who are tested positive, have decreased, primarily due to hard work on education, not only of the athletes, but also of the other sports officials. From the period of establishment until January 1, 2016, ADAS has completed a total of 5974 doping controls and 62 athletes have been tested positive for doping on over 70 different banned substances.

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