
After a zero temperature quench, we study the kinetics of the one-dimensional Ising model with long-range interactions between spins at distance r decaying as r−α, with α≤1. As shown in our recent study (Corberi et al., 2021) that only a fraction of the non-equilibrium trajectories is characterised by the presence of coarsening domains while in the remaining ones the system is quickly driven towards a magnetised state. Restricting to realisations displaying coarsening we compute numerically the probability distribution of the size of the domains and find that it exhibits a scaling behaviour with an unusual α-dependent power-law decay. This peculiar behaviour is also related to the divergence of the average size of domains with system size at finite times. Such a scenario differs from the one observed when α>1, where the distribution decays exponentially. Finally, based on numerical results and on analytical calculations we argue that the average domain size grows asymptotically linearly in time.

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