
This study defines several features of the early connections of the developmentally transient perireticular thalamic nucleus of rats. The neocortex of developing rats was injected with either DiI, biotinylated dextran, WGA-HRP (wheatgerm agglutinin conjugated-horseradish peroxidase), fluorescent latex beads or cholera toxin subunit B (CTB) and their brains were processed for tracer detection with standard methods. In general, tracer injections into various regions of the developing neocortex revealed no labelled neurones within the perireticular nucleus, although some of these tracers (WGA-HRP, dextran) labelled many of the amoeboid microglial cells that are found within this nucleus. There were, however, many retrogradely labelled neurones in a region adjacent to the perireticular nucleus, within the nucleus basalis of the basal forebrain (medial edge of globus pallidus). Their identity was confirmed as neurones of the nucleus basalis since they were all were similar in morphology and somal size to neurones that were immunoreactive to NGFr (nerve growth factor receptor), an antigen found only among neurones of the nucleus basalis and basal forebrain. Moreover, double labelling experiments revealed that most, if not all, of the cortically labelled neurones were NGFr-immunoreactive also. Thus, in conclusion, our results suggest that the perireticular nucleus does not project to the neocortex; the only neurones in the general vicinity of the perireticular nucleus that have a cortical projection form part of the nucleus basalis.

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