
Purpose: The present study was conducted with the sole aim to explore the role of social media in promotion of cyber deception among youth which further lead to deviance among the existing societal order.
 Methodology: sample size of 354 respondents (youth) were randomly selected for taking primary data through structured questionnaire technique. Further, the primary data was coded into SPSS for further analysis in terms of descriptive and inferential statistics
 Findings: Based on the study results, the study explored that cyber deception caused by the excessive usage of social media which further lead to psychological and physical problems among youth. Moreover, virtual social world and social games are the stakeholders of cyber deception; online shopping of various companies intentionally did cyber deception; content communities and social networking users are the major deception; youth are sharing fake picture from their profile for deception. Likewise, the study also explored that manipulation of sender identity information. Female are more indulged in deceptive behavior than male, usually girl’s misuse of social media sites to influence and cash wealthy and loved ones and kidnaping is done through cyber deception
 Implications: Thus keeping in view the above results, the government should make such polices to overcome on the premises of the study in an urgent basis with corroboration to busy the future generation in more positive ground on sustainable development projects were the order of the day, along with parents must focus on their youth in terms of proper check and balance on weekly basis with corroboration of proper socialization will subjugate the tumbling factor in today world i.e., cyber deception

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