Introduction: Low back pain (LBP) is common worldwide and is leading cause of disability. Abdominal endurance promotes body posture, position, balance, urinary continence, pelvicalignment and low back health. In Nepal, women have high level physical activities and need good endurance to perform those activities. During pregnancy and postpartum,woman’s body undergoes remarkable changes up to 1 year resulting in pelvic pain, back pain and incontinence and other associated problems.Transverse abdominusis not as active as before pregnancy resulting in inadequate muscular stabilization in spine. Hence, study intends to measure abdominal endurance and compare among nulliparous, primiparous and multiparous women with association to low back pain.
 Objectives: To compare the abdominal endurance among nulliparous, primiparous and multiparous women and to assess the association of abdominal endurance with LBP.
 Methods: Non- parous and parous women of 20-30 years with 100 sample size are included tomeasure abdominal endurance by Pressure Biofeedback Unit and Nordic questionnaire was administered to identify low back pain.
 Results: Mean abdominal endurance found among nulliparous was 3.5mm of Hg, primiparous was 3.4mm of Hg and multiparous was 3.2mm of Hg. Chi-square test showed 45.5%nulliparous,48.5% primiparous and 52.9% multiparous women have below average abdominal endurance and 33.3%, 57.6% and 70.6% nulliparous, primiparous and multiparous women have low back pain(LBP) respectively. The association between LBP and abdominal endurance is 0.155.
 Conclusion: Abdominal endurance decreases with increasing parity and LBP increases with parity. Further research with large sample size is needed to explore the association between the LBP and abdominal endurance.
Chi-square test showed 45.5% nulliparous, 48.5% primiparous and 52.9% mul parous women have below average abdominal endurance and 33.3%, 57.6% and 70.6% nulliparous, primiparous and mul parous women have low back pain(LBP) respec vely
Abdominal endurance decreases with increasing parity and Low back pain (LBP) increases with parity
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of years lived with disability in Nepal and elsewhere.1Endurance of the abdominal muscles are important in promo ng good body posture including posi on and correct pelvic alignment, body balance and to maintain the con nence.2,3Decrease in abdominal endurance can risk to urinary incon nence (UI),pelvic instability and LBP.[4]
Low back pain (LBP) is the leading cause of years lived with disability in Nepal and elsewhere.1Endurance of the abdominal muscles are important in promo ng good body posture including posi on and correct pelvic alignment, body balance and to maintain the con nence.2,3Decrease in abdominal endurance can risk to urinary incon nence (UI),pelvic instability and LBP.[4]. There is remodeling of connec ve ssues and increase in the collage noly csystem which weakens abdominal muscle and decreases the abdominals endurance.[10] There is hyperlordosis of lumbar spine resul ng anterior shi of center of gravity (COG), increasing the anterior pelvic lt. This increases stress and pain in low back, pelvic and sacroiliac region.6,11A woman's body undergoes remarkable changes during pregnancy and during postpartum period. Studies showed that pelvic pain (5 to 20%), back pain (30 to 45%) and UI (29%) occurs due to decrease in abdominal endurance during postpartum period.[11,12,13] This can compromise QOL decreasing par cipa on in physical ac vi es and doing household chores
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