
The article investigates documents, memoirs, letters as intellectual / social capital of world Ukrainians of political (post-war) Ukrainian emigration, which are promising areas for information and analytical activities of modern government officials, political scientists, diplomats, historians, information and communication specialists, artists and, in general, all those interested in the state-building process, the implementation of strategic communications. Emphasis is placed on understanding them as precedent texts of the epoch, which contain programmatic, semantic resources for the formation of civil society, the "successful case" of the creation of the state in conditions of absolute self-organization, and so on. Among the examples of high-quality information-analytical activity in the documentary-communication process of forming the information space of modern Ukraine are the projects of the Institute of National Memory, most of which are aimed at debunking historical, ideological, political myths. the basis for the transformation of memory policy in the state.
 The powerful document resource on the marker "documents" in the electronic library "Diasporiana" (https://diasporiana.org.ua/) is highlighted, the possibility of isolating available precedent texts of documentary communications through thematic selections as a type of analytical documents of the electronic library as an information intermediary is analyzed. stores and provides access to electronic documents, bibliographic review and review of the status of the issue. It is noted that the analyzed cases of documents of the Ukrainian emigration community of anti-Soviet discourse contributed to the modern legislative process of decommunization and de-Sovietization. Not only the semantic cases accumulated in the documentary communication of the world Ukrainians, but also the traditions of office work, recorded in various organizational documents of congresses, conferences, etc.
 The analyzed fragments of documentary resources of the electronic library "Diasporiana" are an integral part of the strategic document-communication process of cognitive-information society, and the implementation of their powerful intellectual capital in information-analytical activities contribute to their transformation into an information resource of modern society to combine the documentary resources of Ukrainians in mainland Ukraine and abroad.

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