
Sentiment analysis in terms of polarity classification is very important in everyday life, with the existence of polarity, many people can find out whether the respected document has positive or negative sentiment so that it can help in choosing and making decisions. Sentiment analysis usually done manually. Therefore, an automatic sentiment analysis classification process is needed. However, it is rare to find studies that discuss extraction features and which learning models are suitable for unstructured sentiment analysis types with the Amazon food review case. This research explores some extraction features such as Word Bags, TF-IDF, Word2Vector, as well as a combination of TF-IDF and Word2Vector with several machine learning models such as Random Forest, SVM, KNN and Naïve Bayes to find out a combination of feature extraction and learning models that can help add variety to the analysis of polarity sentiments. By assisting with document preparation such as html tags and punctuation and special characters, using snowball stemming, TF-IDF results obtained with SVM are suitable for obtaining a polarity classification in unstructured sentiment analysis for the case of Amazon food review with a performance result of 87,3 percent.

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