
Sentiment analysis has become an important field in the last few years. By performing sentiment analysis of user reviews, news, blogs, etc. we gain a deeper understanding of the general opinion towards a movie, product, etc. Sentiment Analysis is a very valuable tool for organizations to understand the opinion of the public towards their product, service movie, etc. Rather than reading an entire post, blog, or review, Sentiment Analysis allows companies to know the general opinion about their product or movie by deducing the emotion present in the piece of text. Sentiment analysis identifies the keywords in a piece of text and determines the emotion contained in it. Several works have been carried out in the subject area of sentiment analysis on English but hardly any work on Hindi. Hindi is a widely spoken language with a growing number of speakers. The social media platforms too see a large number of reviews, blogs in Hindi. Due to the rising amount of web content in Hindi, there was a requirement to perform sentiment analysis on the Hindi language. We propose a system for sentiment analysis on Hindi by using the Bag of Words model and applying four Machine Learning models.

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