
This paper will discuss the problem of Trinity as a doctrine that underlies the faith of ‎ Christianity. It is considered as a delusion theological doctrine which is both ambiguous and ‎ compelled. Al-Qur’an criticizes the confusion of Trinity as a doctrinal astray of human ‎ invention possessing no basis from Allah and it has triggered major conflicts within the ‎ Christianity itself. The confusion of Trinity willl be revealed through the method on historical criticism based on Qur’anic and Biblical Studies the ‎ confusion of Trinity is revealed. There are at least two aspects of the fallacy possessed by ‎ Trinity: Political aspect and the abberation of Christianity religious teachings. Moreover, there ‎ is an identical proof regarding the political interests of the Roman Emperor Constantine ‎ influencing the formulation of Trinity at Nicaea Council 325 C.E. The influence was an ‎ invasion of polytheism and paganism into Trinity confusing the elements of monotheism and ‎ polytheism. The distortion of religious teachings in Trinity is the presence of teachings of Jesus ‎ Christ concerning an obligation to worship hm as God, while it does not exist in Gospel. The ‎ doctrine of Jesus divinity came from Paul. It precisely deviated monotheism principle. ‎ Consequently, there was a conflict in Christianity schools in respect to Trinity since that era up ‎ to the present day. ‎

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