
Recreational activities are important source of disturbance on sandy beaches and have a negative effect on benthic communities as they alter species abundance, diversity, and/or distribution. Here, we report for the first time the effects of the recreational activities on the distribution pattern of macrobenthic communities of Amazonian sandy beaches. Sampling was performed during three consecutive months with different beach use intensity in 2017 (before, during vacation, and one month after the vacation period) on two contrasting beaches regarding disturbance (Urban: Atalaia; and Protected: Corvinas) in the intertidal zone along two equidistant transects at seven equidistant sampling stations: from the high-tide water mark to the swash zone. At each sampling station, four biological and sediment samples were randomly collected. Also, in each station, the sediment compaction was determined using a manual penetrometer. Physical sediment variables remained constant over time in both beaches, whereas differences were found in sediment compaction over the periods. Sediment compaction was considered the most important factor for the differences observed in macrobenthic community structure in the study beaches, and it was related to intensity of recreational activities. Variations in density and changes in richness between periods and sampling stations were observed in Atalaia beach. On the other hand, Corvinas beach remained the same throughout the study. Overall, three faunal zones were distinguished: upper intertidal, intermediate intertidal, and low-intertidal, whereas in the vacation period, only two faunal zones were distinguished: upper-intertidal and intermediate-low intertidal.

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