We study how a wide class of Abelian Yang-Baxter deformations of the AdS_5 \times S^5AdS5×S5 string behave at the quantum level. These deformations are equivalent to TsT transformations and conjectured to be dual to beta, dipole, and noncommutative deformations of SYM. Classically they correspond to Drinfeld twists of the original theory. To verify this expectation at the quantum level we compute and match (1) the bosonic two-body tree-level worldsheet scattering matrix of these deformations in the uniform light-cone gauge, and (2) the Bethe equations of the equivalent model with twisted boundary conditions. We find that for a generalization of gamma deformations of the BMN string the we are able to express the S matrix either through a Drinfeld twist or a shift of momenta. For deformations of the GKP string around the null-cusp solution we encounter calculational obstacles that prevent us from calculating the scattering matrix.
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